Monday, May 12, 2008


When Taylyn gets too noisy in church, which isn't much due to the fact that we are serving in a singles branch, I take her outside and we looks at all the pictures on the wall. It always amazes me that she knows which one is Jesus. For a couple of months now she can even say his name. I hope that she continues to stay close to her Savior as she gets older and gains more understanding of what he has done for her.


{leah} said...

Cute pictures!! I love the one of Taylyn's face smooshed up aginst the window. Sounds like you have been busy! but I guess that what motherhood is...busy!

Jason & Claire said...

I am glad she recognizes Jesus. That shows what a wonderful mom she has. I don't mean to burst your bubble but Anneliese always pointed out Jesus and I have always been so proud. Well, I recently realized she thinks everyone with a beard is Him. Ah man! Back to square one!

{leah} said...

Hey, I'm going privte and I need your email address. Mine is peachylg@yahoo.com

By the way, I lvoe your background!