Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dancing Lessons

Cody and I are taking dancing lessons with his family. It has been so much fun. So far we have learned to Salsa and are currently working on the Fox Trot. It has been so much fun, but I have been reminded how uncoordinated I am. Oh well at least we could struggle through a dance if we had to. I wanted to take pictures but Cody told me I was being ridiculous and didn't need to take pictures of us. I will try to sneak a few before we are finished but at least I documented that we are doing it!!!!!


kylee said...

Cha cha cha! Good for you guys! I don't know if I could get Lance to take dancing lessons...I'll have to try that someday :)

Jason & Claire said...

Congrats on the baby and I want to see some pictures of you two dancing!

Mike and Timette said...

I want to see the RUMBA, dance of love. :) I think that is awesome, and I am jealous that you have a husband that has the time to take a dance class. Yeah for you guys.

Brooke and Cody said...

You've got to get a picture!! Cody's a good sport I don't think my Cody would do that...Congrats on the baby news again. Call me back when you get a minute. Love you guys...