I am working on making my blog a little more colorful. Hopefully I will be able to figure it out soon so bear with me. Sometimes I feel so stupid when it comes to computers, internet, and especially my blog.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Roxie and Taylyn's First Fight
Taylyn and Roxie had their first fight over a toy. We have this little remote control mini coop that we tease Roxie with. Taylyn found it the other day and was having a blast pushing it around the house. Roxie saw her with it and was not happy. Tay had a hold of one side crying and Rox had a hold of the tire with her mouth and was growling back and I of course run in to grab the camera to take a picture!
Posted by
6:57 PM
Taylyn and her Brooke
Posted by
3:17 PM
Taylyn is learning what animals say. She can finally say Rufruf for a dog and is working on the mememe for a cow. She looks at me like I am a crazy women when I start making the noises of animals in her book. Oh well, I think that is what mothers are supposed to do.
She has also learned to say Oxy (Roxie) instead of puppy when she is talking about Roxie, but she calls all the other dogs puppy!
Posted by
3:14 PM
My Baby Can Fold her Arms!
We have been trying and trying to teach Taylyn to fold her arms during prayers. We would hold her arms and it would last about 2 seconds. Well the other day at church (Cody's parents were actually there to see it) I told her to fold her arms not expecting her to do it just trying to get her into the habit of knowing when to do it. She totally folded them and put her head down. It was so cute. She doesn't quite know when she is supposed to fold them and does it in the car and while she is playing but she is getting the hang of it. I think it is just a new trick to her that gets her attention. She will even sometimes keeps them folded during the whole prayer if it is a short one! I am glad we have been able to be consistant and teach her at least one thing!
Posted by
2:54 PM
What kind of face is that?
Taylyn thinks it is so funny to make this face at me when I try to take her pictures. Not a habit I would like to start!
Posted by
2:24 PM
One for the Record Book on Bad Days!
Cody had to go to a conference over the weekend. We had a very eventful weekend. We were supposed to get our new dishwasher put in and they told me they couldn't put it in because of a leak. I called Cody in tears not know quite what to do. So I ended up calling a plummer for the next day. Then Cody had adjusted my braces before he left and they had moved a ton so I was extremely sore. I decided I wanted to get a baked potato because it is easy to eat when my mouth is sore. There is a place here that has the best baked potatoes and they put soup on the top. I called to place an order and they informed me that they didn't sell them anymore. So plan B came into play and we went to Wendy's for one. I ordered and payed but was then informed they were all out. I must have looked like I was going to cry because when I asked them to refund my money a lady said she would throw one in for me. Finally I pulled into our parking lot and got all the bags, food and Tay. She loves drinks with straws so before I realized what was happening she grabbed the drink and made the lid pop off. At this point I was ready to fall asleep and get the day overwith. I woke up the next morning expecting the day to be a better one. However, when the plummer came he said there was no leak, the cord to the dishwasher just needed the new one that comes with the dishwasher. So I payed $65 for someone to tell me there was no problem. I was not happy. I am working to get the money refunded from the people who are supposed to install my dishwasher. The only saving grace was that I was able to laugh about my string of bad luck the next day!
Posted by
1:59 PM
Gotta Love South Florida

Just wanted to give all of you out west in the cold a nice little reminder why you should come and visit before we move back. It was 85 degrees on Saturday, yes it is the middle of February, so Tay and I went swimming in our heated pool! I hope that I have made you so jealous that we finally gets some visitors!!!!
Posted by
1:50 PM
Daddy and Taylyn's New Inventions!
Cody and Taylyn have found some new fun things to do. Cody has her every Thursday night so that I can tutor late. Whenever I come home they have come up with another crazy idea.

Oh the many ways a dog leash can be used. Yes that is the dog leash hooked to her Dora the Explorer bike and yes Cody is pulling her around the house with it. It actually worked quite well!
Posted by
1:16 PM
Happy Valentine's Day
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. As this holiday comes around I try to step back and realize how lucky I am feel loved. I was blessed to be raised in a home where I knew I was loved and married into a family where I also feel loved. Since I am using my blog as a journal I just wanted to write some reason why I love Cody and Taylyn.
Posted by
12:47 PM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
More from My Handyman!!!!
We are trying to get ready to sell the condo so I keep finding jobs that Cody needs to do. He has rescreened and recarpeted the patio. We have painted walls, baseboards, doors and frames. I have cleaned from top to bottom and hopefully can keep it looking that way. Hopefully we are finished and can sell before we leave in June!

Posted by
7:53 PM
Dad's Bed is Better than Mine!
She loves to lay on our bed when we are in the room. She kicks back on the pillows and relaxes until she sits up again and throws herself back on the pillows laughing the whole way down.
Posted by
7:49 PM
New Adventures
Taylyn has decided she loves to climb inside of things. She is very busy and loves to explore. The only problem is getting out. She can climb in all sorts of things but then screams because she can't figure out how to get herself out.
I have these travel hampers that I use for dirty towels. I had just finished laundry so it was empty and she found it. She was having a blast getting inside of it and walking around with it on her head. She thought she was so funny.
I am not sure why I keep buying her toys when all she wants to play with are objects that are not meant to be played with. She is having fun and learning and that is what is really important, so who cares what she is using.
Posted by
12:59 PM
Purses and Shoes!!!!!
Taylyn has learned at a very young age that girls like purses and shoes (or at least her mom has a major fiedish with the two). She gets into my purses and carries them around the house and even picks the designer bags my mother-in-law bought for me in New York) We bought her a puppy purse and she puts it on her shoulder and carries it around the house. She figured out
how to put it around her neck so she can still play, but keep her purse on. She spent about three days with it on her neck or shoulder whenever she was in the house. When she doesn't have a purse she loves to carry our shoes around the house. She has loved shoes from the time she could scoot over to them. I am just glad she doesn't try to suck
on them still!!!
Posted by
10:43 AM
Can I be a Dog Please?

Posted by
10:26 AM
Grandpa and Grandma Came to Visit!
Cody's parents and some of their friends came for a couple of days before they got on the cruise ship. I took them to West Palm Beach on Friday to show them the Kravus Performing Arts Center and all of the amazing houses down by the beach. Then on Saturday we went to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. I hope they enjoyed their time. Taylyn sure enjoyed all of the attention!
Posted by
10:02 AM
Off to the Bath for You!
We fed Taylyn Spagetti for the first time and she decided it was funner to smear it all over instead of eating it. This is what we ended with!!
She went right to the bath after she was done! There was no way a rag was going to cut it!
Posted by
9:52 AM