The biggest thing Jaxon has taught me is
He is a busy and keeps me going strong!

He thinks he is so big in his seat!

He loves that thumb!

So Relaxed.

He fights going to sleep, but once he's out he's OUT! It doesn't matter where the hands end up!

He never really cared for his bouncer seat but loved his swing.

My Chubby Boy! He started out small and apparently grew really fast.

Jaxon got 2 rounds of RSV during his first couple of months. It was so sad to see him like that. He was less than amused with the breathing treatments every 4 hours. The second time was a lot harder; he cried pretty much the entire treatment. I felt so bad.

This was his feet at about 1 1/2 months. He was just starting to grow into them.

He has the longest fingers I have even seen on a baby.

Life is Good!
My little chubby guy watching a little football.


Willie and Jaxon at Tony's graduation

He was not happy in the least. I obviously didn't' know what he wanted or didn't get it quick enough.

Daddy and Jax doing a little Hang loose!

They are so sweet when they are sleeping. I thought he was going to be a good sleeper like his sister because by 2 months he was sleeping through the night, then he got sick and that was the end of that. He is finally at 8 months sleeping through the night. It is not fair to mess with mom like that!!

Just kicking back!

Cody bought that monkey jungle gym and boy did he love it. His favorite things to do with it was destroy it. Boys are so different than girls.

Almost There!

What do I do now?

Watching his big sister! Look at those thighs!!!

He has quite the temper. Even the fingers didn't work that time.
What a Smile! He brightens my day. He has really been a great baby. He is very happy most of the time.

My little guy is growing so fast.
His 4 month checkup he weighed 16.4 (86%), 26.5 inches tall (93%), and his head was 16.25 inches (25%). He is already trying to crawl and stand up. He is doing well and is definitely a momma's boy. If anyone tries to take him he cries. I will take him and less than the count of three he stops mid cry.

He loves his saucer!
He is so cute Juliann. It's still hard for me to believe he's that old! Probably because I've never met him. We need to change that don't you think? And I definitley hear you on the "boys are WAY different than girls" Isn't it amazing how different they are? It almost blows my mind!
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