We went to Lake Powell a couple of times this summer. These pictures are in no kind of order but I have finally gotten them on and I know there are a lot but it is a whole summer worth of pictures. Tay was really nervous around the water the first time we went but warmed up quickly and decided playing in it was a blast.
Too much fun and wiped completely out.
Nana and Willie even got on the tube this time. 
The boys trying to fix the back of the houseboat.
New use of the tubes. Who know what fun it could be out of the water!
Jaxon hanging out with McKall. 

Exhibit A: Ducks swimming in the water peacefully eating the bread.
Exhibit B: Cody waiting quietly by the slide!
Exhibit C: Need I say More!!!

The boys trying to fix the back of the houseboat.

Taylyn are Kari having a little snack and watching tv.
Tony and Cody back at it again.

They can ride a tube through just about anything and they never let go.
I not quite sure where she learned this one!
My kids were born to ride in a boat. They love it and can't seem to get enough!
Somebody needed a little froggy to have a nap with!
Anything goes at the lake.
Cody taking the girls on a little tube ride.
We finally convinced her to go down the slide.

We may never get her to go down again!!!
Our friends from Dental School came over to the Lake with us for a couple of days. It was great to see them and we had a lot of fun!

This is Jak the son helping Cody drive the boat.
We drove around the lake for a little while one evening and I am finally not pregnant and decided to try the surf board. I actually got up and even went outside the wake. It was quite an accomplishment for me. I'm kind of a chicken!!!
Chelsey gave it a try too!

Just hanging out. He is so laid back.
The kids loved eating outside.
Taylyn's favorite thing to do is sit on a boat and play with the water not in the water!
The lake is so draining!
Taylyn with her unkinie!
Don't you love the pose!
Nap Time!
Just relaxing for a little boat ride!
Cody had a t-shirt contest this summer for work so this was his picture with our office shirts on.
She got brave enough to ride the tube. I even went because I knew they would be gentle with Taylyn on. 

She gave it a thumbs up.
5 Minutes into a boat ride and Jaxon was out, every time!!
Nana taking a turn with Jaxon.
Taylyn with Regan. She always has so much fun with her.
Helping Willie fix the boat!
Check out that double chin and mad look!
Best place to take a shower at the lake is in the lake.
However, Taylyn doesn't agree!
Driving again!
Look at those chubby cheeks and legs!
Trying to catch a fish!
The first trip over Taylyn was not about to get in the water. Jaxon however, thought it was the best thing in the world!
Showing a little crack!

Jaxon even got his turn driving!
My sweet little momma's boy!
My sweet little Daddy's girl going for a ride.
Taylyn figured out how she can pull Maile and Cassie into the boat and throw water on them. It kept her entertained for about 30 minutes. 
Taking a little swim with Daddy. She even showed him what she learned at swim lessons.

The kids and I stopping for a little picture of beautiful Lake Powell.
"Rock on Mom!"
It was too pretty not to snap a quick picture. It sure made for a rough night though! We were really glad we were still at the dock and not hooked up to a beach.
Tay always has to have a turn driving the boat. She is getting to comfortable. Cody was letting her drive and all of a sudden she says, " Daddy I want to go so fast!" just as she puts her hand on the speed control and pushed it all the way down. She loves speed! 
Waiting out back for someone to take her fishing!
Here's all the family. 

We took Shon's boat up the lake for a 2 hour boat ride. The kids did great and the ice cream was totally worth it.
Nana, Willie and Tay!
Maile, Cassie and Taylyn rode part of the way on a jet ski. Once again Talyn told Maile to go faster!
Not a huge fan of the life jacket!
She decided she needed to wear her hat on backwards too!