I took peaches to my mom's so she could help me can and make peach jam. We made quite a bit despite how many peaches we (mostly Taylyn) ate as we were cutting. It was fun just being in the kitchen with my mom again just cooking and visiting.

Daddy got the job of entertaining.

I think he was having as much fun as the kids.

So cool!

Later that night my Dad ended up being taken to the hospital. I am so glad I was there to be with my mom. I ended up staying the rest of the week. He was in the hospital for more than 2 weeks for phenomia among other things. Thanks to the lack of care in the hospital he has been in rehab in St. George for almost 3 full month and we still don't know when he will be coming home. I watch the love and care my mother gives him and I admire her more each day. She is strong and hopeful that he will be able to come home again. Taylyn can't wait until they get home so she can go visit at their house not Papa's hospital. She loves to visit her Nana Papa.
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