Riding the Reindeer!

Roxie's favorite Spot during Christmas time and has been since we got her. I'm just glad she doesn't use it as her bathroom spot

Christmas dinner was at my house this year. I even pulled out my china and used it for the first time.

Nana and Papa came up from the Care Center to enjoy dinner with us. It was wonderful to have them there with us.

Taylyn playing with her new toys!

Santa came for a visit before the kids went to bed on Christmas Eve. Taylyn was a little nervous but was brave. Jaxon freaked out big time.

Finally got brave enough to at least touch his hand.

Look of amazement that Santa was really at our house!

Look of sheer terror!

She answered the door!

She got reindeer food at school so they are spreading it out on the ground.

Helping Dad Decorate-Lucky Him!!!

Jaxon is talking on the phone to who knows who!

Decoration Time! They weren't as much help as we had hope they would be!

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