Friday, October 19, 2007
What is Mom going to do with this New Phase?
Posted by
2:38 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Elephant!
Posted by
7:53 AM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Time with Grandpa and Grandma May

Addison also enjoyed reading to Tay but told Tay firmly but with gentle voice that she was reading to Tay so Tay couldn't hold another book.

Posted by
1:46 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Met With Some Old Friends in Overton
While I was home I met with some old friends from high school. This is Brittney and her daughter Matti at dinner at one of the few restaurants we have in Overton.
Then we went to the Inside Scoop (it is a small ice cream and sandwich shop) and met with Monica and her two children and Kylie. It was great to catch up and see how everyone was doing.
The next day Brittney was still at her Grandmother's house in Overton so we decided to go to the park. We drove my dad's new Toy Hauler (that is the name according to my niece Addi) over to the park.
Taylyn enjoyed her first time on the swing and slide. She watched Matti who seemed to be a pro! Addi enjoyed playing and kept Brittney and me laughing because she is only 3 1/2 and talks like she is 16. She is quite amusing! This is my niece Addison. She was trying to act as though she didn't want a picture also.
It is sure fun having our girls so close in age. There are three of us who had babies within 3 months of each other.
Posted by
8:09 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Parent/Sister's Weekend!
My sister's and I all got to come home without children (except me, Tay joined us on a few days) and spend some time with my parents. We had a blast staying up late, eating, laughing and sharing memories. We went to the temple one day, went and saw My Fair Lady at a theatre and just took a day to do nothing. No one wanted it to end and have to go back to the real world. I was put in charge of taking pictures so here is a slide show of our weekend!
Posted by
10:32 AM