Friday, October 19, 2007

What is Mom going to do with this New Phase?

I don't know how I am going to handle the new phase of Taylyn feeding herself! I am kind of a clean freak and can't stand it when Taylyn gets dirty, especially in her face. I wipe between her bites if she gets it on her face when I feed her; so this is going to be interesting now that she is feeding herself a little . I gave her a baby biscuit and it was all I could do to let her get messy and not wipe between bites. I figured I should at least take a picture of her so I can embarrass her later in life to get back at her for how crazy a messy face makes me. I am slowly improving on the impulse I have to keep her face clean as she eats!


Chelsey said...

You must let it go... You will lose this battle.