Saturday, October 6, 2007

Time with Grandpa and Grandma May

Grandma introduced her to the refrigerator!

She had a blast playing outside and that is all she wanted to do all day!
Grandma gave her a flower and she didn't know quite what to do with it.
She tore it up into little pieces!
Oops I got caught!I helped my mom plant some flowers and Tay sat on that blanket for an 1 1/2 and played, talked and laughed. She doesn't like the feel of the grass so she never ventured off the blanket!

My mom found out why I fold my clothes on the bed. She was throwing the clothes out faster than my mom could fold them. Then she decided to just climb in.
She loved my Dad' s fancy new walker. She was always trying to get up on the seat. My mom took her for a ride on it. She was in heaven laughing and smiling, but she was really mad when I made her get off of it so we could go.
She played a lot with Garrett and Addison while we were home. She even went to watch Garrett play football. She sure enjoyed it!
Addison also enjoyed reading to Tay but told Tay firmly but with gentle voice that she was reading to Tay so Tay couldn't hold another book.