Taylyn has started to really enjoy playing with herself. She loves her little bike and pushes it all over the house. She is getting really good at walking behind it as well as all around it. She also loves to sit on it and watch her movies. She really loves to read books. I will find her sitting on the floor with some of her books around her flipping through the pages. Sometimes she will let me read them to her but she has to turn the pages and I am usually not fast enough to finish reading by the time she has turned the page.

She is such a sweet girl and I love to just watch her play and make silly noises. She is very busy but she makes me laugh each day and always has time to come over and pull on my pants so I will pick her up and then she will give me a hug and then she is ready to be off once again. Some days she want to hug so much she will hug the couch, bed, stuffed animals, toys, her blanket and even the floor! What a sweetheart!!!!
She is hugging the floor!

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