My Little Minnie Mouse!
Halloween this year was a lot of fun. We went to my sister's house and had soup and cornbread and then went to her ward's trunk or treat. Taylyn was loving the idea of getting all the candy from the people but it took her forever to decide when they gave her a choice. She marched around all the cars and had a lot of fun. She even said either "trit or teet" and "tank you" at each place. After that was over both my sisters came up this way so the kids could go door to door. They thought was funner. Taylyn and I went to about 4 houses and then headed home while they kept going. It was a fun night and Taylyn loved her costume. She didn't want to take the ears off when it was time for bed. She was so sad!

Taesi and Taylyn ready to go trick or treating!
Collin, Taesi, Tay, Brandon and Kaeden (standing in the back)

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