Well it all started on January 14. Here is the worst week we have ever had in our marriage. It has continued on for about a month now but hopefully things are slowly looking forward instead of on a constant backwards track.
It started out with me going to St. George for a Doctor's Appointment with the specialist. Everything was looking good and then the Doctor came in to do a few more things with the ultrasound. As he was testing some things with the baby's heart he noticed an pulsation in the heart beat which usually indicate that the left side of his heart was not working as fast as the left side. He couldn't understand why and was not too concerned because everything else looks so good and they have never seen any problem. However, he told me I needed to go to the hospital in Cedar once a week to have a stress test and ultrasound to check my fluids. I felt like things would be fine but at the same time that is not something any mother wants to hear. I called Cody and he also felt that things would be fine. I have had 4 weeks of test and they have found nothing, but are continuing with the weekly testing just to be safe. I went back to the Doctor in St. George on Feb. 3rd and he couldn't find anything either so he said that I no longer needed to go down to St. George unless something else comes up. We feel very grateful to know that he is doing well and continuing to develop.
After the Doctor I did a little shopping for the baby and then headed home. We had dinner and then Cody went to go play his weekly basketball game with some friends. He had a long day at work and was excited to get a little exercise. About 9:00 with Taylyn in bed and me ready for bed I got a call from his mom saying he hurt himself playing. I asked if I needed to go get him and they told me he was on his way to the ER. I knew that was not a good sign because I can never get him to go to the Doctor for anything. They told me they would call me when they found out what was going on. A few minutes later Tony called and told me that he was not doing well and in a lot of pain and to call his girlfriend Azita and she would come over the watch Taylyn for me so I could be with him. When I got to the hospital Tony and Chad met me outside and said it was not looking good. I rushed in to see him and was finally able to get back where he was. He was sure he had torn his right leg ACL. He had done his left leg about 6 years ago and knew what it felt like and what he the next couple of months would be like. After some X-rays and painkillers his worst fear came true and he had torn it. We brought him home and thanks to a family friend we were able to get him to the same doctor that had done his other leg the next day. They did the MRI and were told he would definitely have to have surgery. The Doctor got us on the schedule the following Tuesday, less than a week after he had messed it up, so they we could get it over with. I had made arrangements for my sister in Panguitch to take Taylyn on Tuesday morning and keep her overnight so I wouldn't have to worry about her. Well she called Tuesday morning and said that her daughter woke up with over 100 temperature. She said she would still take her but I didn't want to risk her getting it and me having to take care of her being sick and Cody down from surgery. I called my other sister that lives in Cedar and she said she would watch her but she needed to go into work and her son had his Pinewood Derby that night. She said she would figure it out but I felt bad to add one more kid to her schedule. The hospital called and they postponed Cody surgery about 1 1/2 hrs. I called my mom in tears she said she would figure something out and be up there as soon as she could. She watches my brothers daughter on Tuesday so after she dropped her off at school her and my Dad headed up. Melissa watched her until they could get here, and then she was able to finish out everything else she needed to do in the afternoon. We finally got to the hospital and still had to wait awhile. I went and did my first stress test and went to my Doctor's appointment. Luckily things went good there or I might have lost my mind after such a hectic morning. When I got back he was just about ready to go in for surgery.

Cody was not at all amused that Maile took a picture of him.

I went and got some lunch and then came back to wait. It didn't take as long as expected because they gave him an epidural he didn't' have to be completely knocked out for the surgery. So he came back from surgery awake and alert and didn't have to go to recovery area. I finally got him home about 7:30pm. Taylyn had a blast with my mom and dad and was extremely sad when they left. She wanted them to stay and play with her. She thought Papa's dinner was better than hers.

I had been worried about Cody laying on our bed during recovery because it hurts his back so bad. Cody's father had gone out and bought us a bed for my birthday and what a wonderful surprise it was. Cody was up most of the night throwing up from the drugs in his system. It was a long night, but at least the 2 hours we got to sleep the bed was amazing and neither of us woke up with a sore back. Cody even got a new Flat screen TV out of the deal so that he had something to look at while laying in bed for a couple of week. Tay loves to get up on the bed and watch her shows with him.
He started physical therapy that next morning and was in ruff shape. After he got home from therapy I was helping him get on the bed and noticed his ankle was horribly swollen. He said it hurt really bad and he thought it might be broken. I called and get him into the Doctor and luckily it was not broke but it was sprained. He has an ankle brace as well as his knee brace but we are just grateful it wasn't a break. Things are slowly getting better and he is up moving around without the use of crutches or a cane. He has even gone back to work.
During these last couple of weeks many more things have been thrown at us. Taylyn tripped and the side of her face hit the hinge of an open door and gave her a huge rash on her cheek. The next day she trip again and fell into the corner of the wall on the same side of course. Then two days later she wasn't watching where she was going and walked into the corner of a glass table at Linda's house and got a big cut right below her eye and once again on the same side. I didn't dare take out Cody or Taylyn at the same time or people might start to think I am abusive.
If you look closely you can see the left side of her face is a little beat up. Poor girl. Luckily it healed fast with no scar.

And it just kept getting worse. We found out that the toilets in our condo in Florida needed to be replaced because they were leaking. We finally found someone to replace them but we had to buy the toilets and he would just pick them up. I was worried about the size but the guy seemed to think it would be fine. He went in to replace them and the water had not been completely turned off and had been leaking and flooded the master bedroom, living room and spare bedroom closet. So we started calling to find out who could replace the padding and carpet. Then the Plumber got both toilets installed and in the extra bathroom he could get the lid to fit because of the counter top. So he had to figure out a way to sand down the lid or counter top so he could make it fit. Finally we thought everything had been worked out and we got a call letting us know that the master closet and mold and we needed to get it treated and repainted. What a mess!! We may rent for the rest of our lives!!!!! We finally had a young dental couple move in so hopefully they can catch anything that goes wrong before it gets that bad.

It sure looks good now. There isn't much more that we need to replace now. Hopefully that will sell it quicker if the market ever turns around.
Well that sums up our last month. I have been blessed with the energy and health to take care of Taylyn and Cody without throwing my back out again. I am starting to feel very pregnant and thankful for Cody's hard work to heal quickly to take the pressure of everything off me. He has felt so bad to have to rely on me so much with me being 7 months pregnant but he promised I can pretty much ask for anything after the baby is born and I will get it. He will continue with Physical Therapy for at least a couple more months but is moving around and gets better each day.
Thank you to all the family who has helped so much the last month with babysitting and running around town so I wouldn't have to. We are so glad this all happened here where we had so much support from family. I owe you guys!!!!!