A couple of times Taylyn hits me I tell her that it is not nice to hit people. Well she has caught on and Cody was teasing her the only day and she took his face in her hands and told him "that not nice Daddy!" with a serious look on her face. At least I know she is understanding what I am telling her. She also told Tony that he was not nice because he was throwing her Mickey guys. She gave him a look that could kill and informed him that he was not being nice to throw her guys!
Taylyn started out saying prayers so good when she first started. We have since then moved through a few stages of learning about prayers. At first she would repeat everything we said and keep her arms folded the entire time. Then she moved to it being almost a battle to get her to say them or fold her arms. She is slowly getting better if we ask her what we do during prayers before we start, but lately she will say half the prayers with us and then goes off on her own blessing the tiger in her belly to be healthy and strong and to sleep good. Cody and I try so hard to keep a straight face but she continues to say it waiting for one of us to crack. Then they other day at church was did a great job at folding her arms during the opening prayer and sacrament prayer. Cody and I praised her and she noticed that I still had my arms folded, she said not so quietly, "mommy unfold u arms, prayer all done." At this point she looks over and realizes that Maile, Linda and Rich still had their arms folded and loudly told each of them to unfold their arms. She can't quite figure out that talking quiet at home and talking quiet at church is the same thing. She will not whisper when we are at church and she is so loud.
She has really taken to singing. She loves to sing and knows quite a few songs to sing. Sometimes she will ask us to sing with her and other times she asks us to stop the she will do it herself. She loves to sing, The Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, The Ensey Wensy Spider, I Am A Child of God, Old McDonalds, ABC's, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (really fast), Once Their Was a Snowman, Bubble Gum! We put her in bed the other night about 8:30 and around 9:00 we could hear her singing all sorts of songs and talking to her Mickey Mouse guys. She sang for over an hour before finally falling asleep and not once did she call for us to come in. We just sat and listened and laugh at her. She sounded so cute.