With everything going on this month I have taken the time to keep the blog updated, nor have I taken many pictures. Here are a few from the last month!

Cody's family went to San Fransisco and got us an alligator sour dough bread to remind us of the last 6 years in Florida. Taylyn thought it was really funny that she was able to eat an alligator leg. It was the most amazing bread I have ever tasted. 
Taylyn has not had bangs for a couple of months because whenever I have tried to cut them she tells me, "no Mommy, my Bonnie do it." I finally made an appointment to get mine cut so her Bonnie cut her bangs. She did get a little nervous and wanted to hold my hand. I still haven't cut the rest of her hair because I am scared she will loose her curls if we do.
Taesi came to play the other day. I think Taylyn was so excited to have someone besides grownups to play with. They played and played and then sat together to watch Dora and have a snack. This was the only time they stayed in one place for longer than 5 minutes, but they sure had fun.
Taylyn got some new Minnie Mouse pajamas and doesn't like to get out of them in the morning. When we are just staying home I usually let her keep them on until after her nap. Those are her favorite days of the week!

Cody has to do exercises at home to help build up the strength in his leg. Taylyn has decided she need to exercise with him as well every morning. She watches him to see what he is doing and then tries to do exactly what he is doing. It is so funny to watch. She loves to be just like her Daddy!
Still trying to be like her Daddy!
With Church at 1:00 Taylyn doesn't get her nap so when we get home from church I make her lay down on the couch and watch a movie. On this particular day she needed her binkie, blanket and guys. I lay her down and went to see if Cody needed something and this is how I found her. Ten minutes later she was out cold with her guys still over her head.

I set Taylyn up a place on the ground to watch TV while I showered. She decided to have a little tea party with Mickey!
and watch Dora of course!
Taylyn loves my niece Brittney. She made her sit by her and watch
TV the other morning when she came over.
We had Brittney watch her the other night so we could go to a dinner where Cody's parents were being honored. As soon as Brittney walked in she grabbed her hand and took her right downstairs to her playhouse. When we got home Cody asked her what she did with Brittney and she told him,"we go see boys!" She said it like it was nothing and moved on to something else. We laughed so hard. Brittney had taken her to a Inter mural Basketball game to see one of her friends play. Cody didn't know how he felt about the fact that his 2 year old daughter we going out to check out the boys, but she sure had fun and keeps asking for "her Brittie to come back and play!" She sure loves her.

TV the other morning when she came over.

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