We went the Disneyland the end of January. Cody was not please about this idea of Disneyland being a vacation. I just knew we would get there and our kids would do everything he said they would. The ride there I was beginning to think he was right, but they proved us so wrong. Tay threw one fit the first day and then game on. She was amazing and had a blast. She wanted to ride everything and was really brave. They both loved the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Jaxon cut 5 teeth while we were there and never cried or whined. He loved the rides and enjoyed having so much to look at. All in all the trip was great.
Her first ride was Dumbo. All the other elephants were going up and down, but not Taylyn's. I didn't realize she had control and she told Cody she wanted to be up high!
Not sure about this one!!!!!

Waiting in line for a ride. The longest line we waiting in was about 15 minutes. It was great!

Taylyn was so sad to find out the castle isn't actually a castle just a walkway.
Chip and Dale were one of the first character's to meet.

I couldn't believe that Jaxon wasn't scared of them either.
Taylyn would walk right up and hand the characters her autograph book and pen and then wanted to give all of them hugs after they signed it.
She was in awe with Pluto.

She thought it was hilarious that he signed the book on his nose!

She had never seen Max before but was all about getting as many as she could. She told Cody that Max was so silly!

Mickey Mouse and all his friends were in their California Summer clothes. We tried to get a picture of the characters in their traditional with the kids and Tay said, " I already got a picture with them in their summer clothes. I don't need another one!"
Here's Tay with Minnie.
She ran up and gave Mickey a hug.

We were actually standing right where the characters walked out. Donald grabbed her hand and walked with her to where he was supposed to be standing. Taylyn thought it was so cool. I couldn't believe she actually went. She usually won't get to far from me.

Donald did a great job making her excited to see the characters and not be afraid!

This was walking to the Princess Breakfast before the park had even opened. That is definitely the way to introduce your little girls to Disneyland!

Standing inside the restaurant where the Princess breakfast was served.

Ariel met us as we walked down the stairs. Taylyn had the cutest face and her eyes her sparkling with excitement.

Here is the four of us with Ariel. We had to have a princess picture!

Maile and Taylyn were both in heaven with the princesses!

Clapping for the first princess introduction!

YUMMY Breakfast!

Look at all the food!
This was the announcer that introduced each princess. She just wanted to know when the princess was coming out. She was not into the announcer as much!

This was our waitress. She did an excellent job keeping our coke and diet cokes full. We had to get some energy for the day in Disneyland!!!!

She was the most excited to see Sleeping Beauty. That is her favorite princess because she looks just like her.

Belle was my favorite. She was so sweet and talked to Taylyn for quite a while.
She was thinking about the answer to a question Belle had asked her.

Love the look in her eyes!

Next came Snow White. She is getting the routine of pictures now!

Here she is with Cinderella. She was excited to see her too cause she also looks like Cinderella!

Was really excited to have her sign her book!

Linda and Maile with their first Diet Cokes of the trip. Thank heavens for Coke products!!!!!

Rich and Taylyn off the breakfast!

So cute matching hats!
One the way to California we stayed in Vegas a night. The boys went golfing that morning and we headed off to play.

Sharing frozen hot chocolate!

Linda and Maile!
After we went to Shark Reef and they got to pick out a stuffed animal. My kids and stuffed animals! Why can't they have another obsession!

Jaxon loves his turtle!

Just trying on the shark hat wondering if we should buy them. Amazingly enough we walked out without them.

Shark Reef was so cool. Tay loved to see the animals swimming all around her. Jaxon was just enjoying the ride!

My favorite was the hammer shark. Look at the size of that thing!

Sitting next to the glass on the ground. Jax couldn't quite figure that one out. He kept trying to grab at the fish but couldn't figure out what he kept hitting!

She might be squeezing a little to hard!

Me and my Jax Man!

Not sure about the pose on the glass!!

Jaxon just chillin on the glass!

The jellyfish looked awesome in the tank!

Considering Cody was not all to excited about taking the kids to Disneyland and Jaxon cut 5 teeth while we were there; we had an amazing time. I'm looking forward to being able to go again!