The last sledding of the season. My kids sure loved it!
Oh the life!
Things were vastly different this year in the Wilson home when it came to snow. Last year Taylyn was afraid of the snow, this year she gets so excited with each storm and I get told about 50 times a day that now we get to build a snow something, go sledding,make a snow angel, build a castle or just play in the snow with her gloves!!!!!All the pictures are in no order but we have had a lot of snow time this year!

As soon as she sees it is snowing she goes in her room and comes out dressed and ready to go!
Nothing better than a snowball fight, especially when it is one sided!

Look at the determination on her face....she was going to hit me or else!!!
Jaxon thought it was really quite hilarious!
Now she turned on Daddy and decided it was time to hit him!
We were at Cody's work and one of them asked Tay if she was going to build a snowman when Daddy got home. Her response, "We don't build snowmen at our house we build like snow lions and stuff. I fink (think) we will make a snow Micky today."
And snow Mickey it was!

Enjoying a snowball. She loves ice!
We went sledding with Cody's cousin Josh and his family.
Mckall decided to throw snow at Cody-this is the payback!

Kari and Tay are the best of friends!

My sweet Jax Man!

Jax is a huge fan of sledding. He wouldn't get out of the sled. I pulled him all the way to the car.

Giving Dad a thumbs up!

So Cute! The big boys wanted to ride together!!!

Tay was trying to get the sled up herself.
She let go of the sled and decided just to reach for Dad!
Josh to the rescue. 1-2-3 CATCH!
McKall and Taylyn getting ready for a ride!

She worked for quite awhile in getting up there.
Daddy, Taylyn and Jaxon going for a ride!

Taylyn wanted to know," Who let their dog poop so much here?" The ground was aerated.

My sweet family!

Ready to Ride!
It was not easy to get up the hill!

Bryn ready to go.

Jaxon starting crying when we took him off!


Cody made a snow ramp in the backyard. The kids had a blast with it.
Daddy and Taylyn- ready set go!
Who doesn't love a snow angel!

She missed her tramp too much!

The first snow of the season. Had to get a picture of Cody happily shoveling the snow!

Always just chillin'!

Tay thought that Dad needed some help, but she just threw snowballs at him.

A little snow fun for Daddy!

Taylyn missed his mouth with snow.

Look at the mischief in those eyes.

Taylyn came running inside and told me we had to make a pink princess flag for her castle. So we worked for a little while and finally completed it.
The reason for the flag! Daddy built a fort which she corrected me, "You silly mommy, that is my princess castle see the flag!!! It says Princess Castle!" Excuse me!!!!!
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