We had a great Christmas. It was very busy and came too quickly, but was really fun this year with Taylyn being a little older. She was able to ask Santa for a few things and was quite sure she was getting them. She wanted to help decorate and wanted to know all about Santa Claus!!!
She loved being able to unwrap the gifts!
Jaxon just enjoyed ripping the paper off the toy! He really liked the ball he could throw!
"Now what am I supposed to do with this!"

It took me about 3-4 hours but I finally got up our Carpenter Son's Tree that we bought last year at the Children's Festival of Trees. It had the prettiest ornaments and pretty much everything was hand made or from Jerusalem. Every time I looked at it I was a reminded of why we truly celebrate Christmas.

She came into our room on Christmas morning and climbed up on our bed and just wanted to lay next to us, until we reminded her that Santa had come. We got up and walked out to the Christmas Tree. As soon as she say it her face dropped and I thought she was going to cry. She said, "Santa and the reindeer didn't even come and say hi to me!!!!" We had to explain that he is really busy and has so many houses to go to that he doesn't want to wake the kids up but he left her a note thanking her for the cookies. That was all she needed and was ready to open the presents!!!
We had to take a family picture before we started opening gifts. It is a tradition my parent always did with us and I had to continue it with my family!
She asked Santa for a kitchen and a doll. She must have been a good girl because she got both!
After we had opened all the gifts she discover that he left stocking too. She was so excited to find she had a candy cane filled with sweet tarts! She hugged it and said, "these are my favrite!"

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