Here are a few Taylyn things that have happened over the last couple months.
Taylyn and Cody were downstairs playing and she came over to him and said, "You sit down and be my customer I will feed you." I don't know what restaurant she eats at!
The kids were taking a bath and Tay was taking all the toys and Cody told here that she needed to share with Jax. Her response, "Jax Man has plenty of toys he will just fine"
She is really into how much we love her and how much she loves us. One day she asked me so I held out my arms as wide as I could and told her I loved her that much. She then held out her arms and said," Well I love my Daddy that much." I started laughing but she wasn't sure what was funny!
We have been slowing introducing the choice concept. For example, you can pick up that puzzle or you can't play with it anymore. So one day she was whining for Cody to get home, but I explained to her that he was working and couldn't come home. A little while later she came into the kitchen and said, " I want my Daddy but I know it is not a choice."
She is such a good big sister and loves it have Jaxon come on her bed and then she will sing to him. It is so cute.
She is slowly figuring out prayers and why we say them. My parents were traveling one day and I knew my mom was tired so we said a prayer for her to travel safely. So for the next month Tay started praying for Nana Papa to drive safely every time she prayed. Then out of the blue one day she started saying," I know this church is true in the name of Jesus Christ Amen." She always says it in her prayers know except one time she was at Nana Willie's and was saying dinner prayers and finished her prayer and then looked at Linda and said," I'm not saying the church is true this time." and started eating.
Taylyn and Jaxon almost over night just started fighting with each other really bad. I had it one day and they both spent a lot of time in their rooms. We were saying prayers that night and she said," please bless me to be nice to Jaxon and that Jaxon will not fight with me." Then next morning she was really good and very nice to Jax. Jaxon didn't return the favor and was being really mean to her. She put her hands on her hips and said," I prayed for you to be nice to me now be NICE." At least she understands that prayers are answered!!!

She was using Baby talk and I was always reminding her to use her words so I know what she needs. Cody was talking to her one night and I'm not sure what they were talking about but she looked at Cody and said," Daddy Use your words!!"
When she was saying goodbye to Cody's family she would always say, "Check yourself before you wreck yourself!" or "See Ya Sucker!!" We're not sure where she got it!!
She starting really loving Princesses at the end of last year. We are always telling her she is our little princess. One morning we playing and she said, "Mommy I a Princess!" My response, "Yes and don't you forget it! Then one day she told me, "Mommy I love you as a princess."
She is turning into quite the little golfer and tries really hard to do it just like Daddy. She asks him quite often to go golf out back.
Taylyn was talking to me, and she most have thought I wasn't listening and asked me, "Do you understand?" I started laughing laughing so hard I couldn't answer!
Taylyn decided that her and mommy were princess, Daddy's her king but Jax is just a prince. Maybe one too many princess movies!
We asked Taylyn what she learned in church and she said, "We had No body with Jesus." Apparently they learned that when we lived with Jesus we had no body. About a week later we were talking about something and she reminded us that," no body with Jesus." About 2 months later we were discussing someone who was sick and maybe going to die. She wanted to know where you go when you die. I told her you go to heaven with Jesus and she responded, " with no body with Jesus." Then she said, "When do I get to go live with no body with Jesus.? I told her no for a long time because I loved her so much and want her with our family. She was ok with that but I was a little blown away at the conversation I just had with my 3 year old. She's a smart little thing!
Taylyn was mad at me because I wouldn't let her to something she wanted she said, "I want a new mom but there's no mommy's for sale at Walmart!" Later that night she said she didn't want a new mom from Walmart that she loved me too much.
She started talking like a baby and calling us dadda and mama. Cody had a talk about it and told her she was a big princess and had beautiful words to use not baby talk like Jaxon. Before she would say our name for a couple of weeks she would ask, "Whats your name again?" It took a couple weeks and then she started talking like a big girl again.
At her 3 year check up on 12/29 she was 34 pounds 78%; 38 1/4 inches 84%; Head 19 3/4 inches
Whenever anything happens like spilt juice or a broken toy Taylyn always says, "Not a big deal, Mommy, accidents happen!" Cody always jokes that he knows exactly what I say or how I act during the day by listening to Tay talk.
It was time to say prayers and Tay was being a stinker. She rolled her eyes and said, "I'm not saying the prayer." She rolled over and closed her eyes. I'm in for it in a couple of years.
She always keeps us laughing and we love her to pieces!
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