When Taylyn gets too noisy in church, which isn't much due to the fact that we are serving in a singles branch, I take her outside and we looks at all the pictures on the wall. It always amazes me that she knows which one is Jesus. For a couple of months now she can even say his name. I hope that she continues to stay close to her Savior as she gets older and gains more understanding of what he has done for her.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Posted by
11:54 AM
My Silly GIrl!
We were in Walgreens and Taylyn saw some sunglasses and was playing with them and trying to put them on her face. I thought maybe she was ready to actually use them, so I bought her a new pair. She once again proved I don't know much and she likes to play with them but won't use them on her eyes. She just wants me to wear them. I'm sure that her Dora Glasses would look much better on her then me. Taylyn gets really slap happy at night just before she goes to bed. She gets so silly and giggles over any little thing. It is our favorite time to play with her because she is so funny.
Posted by
11:46 AM
Forever Teething
It seems just when Taylyn gets over something another new phase begins. She when I think I have figured her out something else comes up. She has started teething again and they are taking forever. She is getting her top molar and has been working on them for a couple of weeks. While we were driving home from Target Cody's mom gave Taylyn her cold bottle of diet coke to play with. She started sucking on the bottle where her teeth are trying to come in. It was funny to watch her try and get it to touch her gums!
Posted by
11:38 AM
Bling, Bling
While Grandma was here we went shopping. She bought Taylyn a lot of jewelry. Taylyn thinks she needs to take it everywhere and shows it to everyone. She calls it her "bling, bling" and is having a blast playing with it.
This is at Clair's picking out some jewelry. Tay was in heaven!

Posted by
11:13 AM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Grandpa and Grandma Wilson Came to Visit
Cody's parents came for a quick visit, but ended up staying an extra day. We were sure glad. We were busy going to Riverdance, shopping, eating, playing golf and going to the zoo. Thanks for everything Grandpa and Grandma. We love you and can't wait to be back out west again!
Rich bought us all tickets to go see Riverdance for Thursday night. It was awesome. It amazes me that people can move their feet that quick. It was fun to be able to spend some time with Rich and Linda.
Taylyn had fun walking with Grandpa and Grandma. She gets to do fun things when they come.
On Friday Linda and I took Taylyn to the Miami Metro Zoo. She loved it again. This time we took the bike. It was easier than we thought but we both had sore bottoms the next day. The bike had the seats like the old school banana bikes. Taylyn thought it was great!
I forgot her sippy cup in the car so Grandma bought her a Gatorade. She kept wanting more!Here she is asking Grandma for more!
We got to feed the giraffes and the ducks. Linda had to hold on tight to the branch. She said the giraffe pulled really hard. Tay thought it was funny. She also enjoy throwing the food for the Quack, quacks to eat. She wanted to get in with them. We took a break to get some Dippin Dots and a drink and Taylyn enjoyed chasing the birds and pointing to everything around her. She is so curious!
She needed to talk to her Daddy on the way home so Linda gave him a call. She didn't even move until we took the phone away!
Posted by
8:17 PM
Rainbow Park
My friend Leslie told me about a small indoor park at the Aventura Mall that has a character reading every Wednesday. Kylee and I decided to give it a try. There were so many kids and I didn't think Taylyn would like it. As soon as we walked in she grabbed my hand and was ready to play. When the dinosaur came out she was mesmerized. She didn't take her eyes off it and was chapping and dancing with the music. It was so cute to see her so into something like that.
Posted by
8:04 PM
We have made many great friends while here in Florida. This picture is Brooke, Sherie, and me after we had dinner and dessert together. This picture is of the guys (It is an old one but we didn't take a new one of the boys after dinner) Cody, Cody and Fred. We will miss them all when we moved they have been great friends!
Posted by
8:02 PM
Favorite place to be!
Taylyn loves to go to the house I babysit at. She loves Katie and Chris and knows right where the playroom is. As soon as we get home from school she runs right into the kitchen and pushes the beep, beeps on the microwave and then runs to the play room. Chris has some old airplanes that were his when he was younger that she has to dump out and play with. Then she moves on to Katie's doll desk and chair, then pushes the doll strollers around the room. She is always sad to leave their house each night. The only way I can get her out without crying is to tell her we are going to find Daddy. She is sure going to miss Katie and Chris!
Posted by
7:53 PM
I was making Mother's Day cards to give to my mom and Linda from Taylyn. I found a really cute poem to go with her hand print. I got my stamp pads out put a ton of ink on Tay's hand and stamped away. When I thought I had enough to choose from I tried to clean off her hand. The ink was not coming off. I ran her to the bathroom and tried soap and water and it wouldn't come off. She kept looking at her hand with a look of sheer confusion. I finally got some nail polish remover and after 5 minutes of scrubbing with a cotton ball her hand only had a hit of pink. I just thought it would wipe right off because I have done this before but I used a different kind of stamp. Needless to say I will be more careful next time. After it was all done and I was mad at myself for not taking a picture before I scrubbed it all off. This is about what her hand looked like!
Posted by
7:53 PM
Date Nights!!
We had two dates in one week, which is a major record for us. It had been months since we went out without Taylyn. Cody had been studying for his boards and had a lot of evening commitments so I had Taylyn basically all day and night. I just needed a little time away and Cody needed a little break from studying. Cody and Brooke and Kory and Shanda came with us to the Grand Lux Cafe. It was really nice to be able to eat slow and enjoy just talking without entertaining Taylyn throughout dinner. After Cody finished the boards we went out with Josh and Leslie to the Bonefish Grill. The food was amazing and once again enjoyed a fancy meal and talking with Josh and Leslie. What a nice way to celebrate. It was fun to get dressed up and go out on a date with Cody again. I love being a mom and would never trade it for anything but it is sure nice to get a break every now and then.
Posted by
7:53 PM
Spa Day For Me!!!!
My Cody and Brooke's Cody bought Brooke and I a Spa Day package for Christmas. We finally found a time to go together. We each got a 50 minute Swedish Massage, a spa pedicure and manicure. It was wonderful day and was so much fun to have Brooke there with me. I hate doing that kind of stuff without a friend to chat with. I could definitely get used to that kind of pampering. It was a nice break to just have a few minutes of me time! Thank you Cody! It was the best Christmas gift a girl could get! You are too good to me!
Posted by
7:50 PM
What a Night!!!!
The other night Taylyn was being slap happy crazy. She was laughing, playing and being very silly. She is getting brave and is pretty daring. She was so proud of herself when she was finally able to stand on her bike. She just stood there for about 5 minutes with a look of complete satisfaction. When she got tired of that she decided that it would be fun to knock over all the DVDs. Normally I wouldn't let her do it but she was having so much fun that I gave in. After she was done we both put them back where they go. She didn't like that part as much as pulling them out.
Posted by
7:44 PM
Mommy's Little Helper
Taylyn loves the dishwasher. As soon as she hears it open she runs in to see what I am doing and tries to help. I started only loading or unloading the dishes when she was napping or when Cody was home to distract her. One day I decided to let her help me with the silverware. She thought that was the coolest thing in the world. She unloads them by taking one out at a time and handing it to me and then says "tant ou" (thank you). I also put them on the door so she can load the dirty ones in the dishwasher. She does pretty good except she only puts them in the first two slots so it gets full fast. She loves to help me and do whatever I am doing.
By the time I am done grocery shopping she has had it. In order to keep her busy and not crying to get down she helps me unload the cart onto the checkout counter. I put things that cannot break up in the front where she is sitting and she loads them on the counter. Then she needs to help me push the ""beep, beep" in order to pay. She loves to hand the workers money or my credit card. That isn't good that she knows what to do with credit cards and cash already. What a great helper! I will have to remind her how much she loved to help me when she is 15 or 16 and doesn't want to help me anymore.!
Posted by
7:43 PM
The Best of Friends!
I am sad that we are leaving Florida becuase Brynlee and Taylyn are starting to play so cute together. We were leaving the Nova Park and they were walking down the sidewalk holding hands. It was so Cute!!
Posted by
7:43 PM
One more Daddy!
Cody came home for lunch one day and Taylyn happened to wake up while he was home. She brought a book or two over to him just as he was getting ready to leave. She handed him the book and started stomping her feet and smiling saying, "bu, bu, bu"(her way of saying book). Of course he couldn't resist and read her one, and then another, and another. She sure has him wrapped around her little finger. It is hard to say no when she looks at you with her big blue eyes. That is all Daddy's fault because she got them from him.
Posted by
7:39 PM
Movie, movie, and more movies
Taylyn has learn how to say Movie, it comes out as "Mobie". So must of the day she is asking me to watch her "mobie." When I let her watch it she starts to dance and run to the tv and wait for it to come on. She loves the Baby Einstein and can watch them over and over. I am starting to get sick of them but they make her happy. I think these movies have something to do with the fact that Tay is obsessed with animals. She is always making animal sounds and loves to look at books with animals in them. She may grow up to be a vet!!
Posted by
7:38 PM
Time to Celebrate!!!
On April 24 Cody took his last board exam. What a relief to have it over with. He studied hard for a couple of weeks so I am sure he did great. We are all glad to have it over with and we are so proud of Cody. He has worked so hard. We went out to dinner after the test to Celebrate with one of Cody's friends and his wife, who also took the test that day. Friday Cody had to present his research project at Nova's Research Day. What a week! On Saturday Cody's Clinic Director had a party for all of them in honor of finishing their boards and research day. The food was great and the kids had a blast with bubbles and squirt guns. It was a great way to end the week!

Posted by
7:28 PM