While Grandma was here we went shopping. She bought Taylyn a lot of jewelry. Taylyn thinks she needs to take it everywhere and shows it to everyone. She calls it her "bling, bling" and is having a blast playing with it.
This is at Clair's picking out some jewelry. Tay was in heaven!

She thinks she has to wear them all!

Taylyn is all ready to go. She has her purse, bling, and a ball. What more could you want?
After her bath I went to get her pajamas and I came back to find this. 

Hey Julie...I love reading and looking at your cute pictures! How are you doing?
I see that Lyndsey came up for a visit...But you will soon live a lot closer, so we will see you more!
When are you guys making the big trip this way?
Well take care, and keep bloggin! LOL!
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