She is gaining a lot of attitude. This is the face accompanied with a scream I get when I try to get her to do something she doesn't want to, especially when it is taking her away from kicking Roxie's dog food all over the floor and playing in the water. I am trying hard to get rid of it before she gets even closer to 2, but I am only having a tiny ounce of luck. It is taking a lot of patience and consistency. At times it is so funny because I can tell it is very forced on her part so I have to work hard at keeping a straight face. I definitely don't want her to know I think it is funny!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Little Miss Attitude!
Posted by
7:43 AM
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter Everyone! Cody's parents bought Taylyn an Easter Dress. I didn't know if we were going to be here for Easter to wear it to church so I made her wear it early. Cody doesn't like a lot of fluff and girly stuff but he agreed that he thought she looked adorable but said he had never seen her look so girly. Hope everyone has a great Easter holiday and remembers the true meaning!
Posted by
7:35 AM
Busy Girl!

My Cowgirl!


Posted by
7:04 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Dresses I made!
I am so proud of how they turned out I had to put them on. My friend Chelsey taught me how to make them when she was here visiting. It was actually way easier than I thought it would be. All I used was a woman's t-shirt and a baby onesie. I also made bloomers to cover up her diapers and the lovely designs they have to put on them, like Elmo and Big Bird!
Posted by
10:40 AM
Chelsey came to Visit!
One of my best friends from Dental School came to visit. Her husband and Cody were in school together but they moved to St. Louis to go to Orthodontics school after graduation. Her friend was getting married so she decided to come back to a place she probably vowed she would never come again!!! We didn't do much but eat, sleep and talk. We just sat around all day and hung out. It was so fun even though we didn't do anything real adventurous. It was great to see her again. She taught me how to make Taylyn a dress and I showed her how to make bows. I know this is a horrible picture of me but the other one I took looks worse!!!!
Posted by
10:24 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Church Renovations!
Our chapel is very much due for some renovations. They are fixing a lot of problems as well as adding some new sections for more classrooms. So know we are going to the Stake Center where we are sharing the building with 3 other wards. It was a bit crazy on Sunday but hopefully it will get better. Anyway I wanted to get a picture (much against Cody's wishes) but our old church before we moved. It doesn't show much of the building but this is the church we have been going to since we have been out here. This was also the same Sunday I had to speak for the 3rd time in 2 years and for those of you who know me well I do not like to speak in church. It is weird that I am a teacher but don't like to speak in front of people. Tell me how that works!!! Cody also had to make up a talk during Sacrament meeting because the third speaker didn't show up. He is so good at doing that. It sounds as if he spent all week on the talk. It's not fair!!!
Posted by
2:40 PM
The favorite spot in the house!
Posted by
2:34 PM
New Clothes
Taylyn had a shopping trip with Grandpa and Grandma Wilson and got very lucky. She did say thank you by playing with them and even went to Grandpa and sat on his lap. (She is been really standoff with any men besides her dad in the past). Grandpa was very happy. Whenever she gets new clothes and I get to play dress-up again I always think she looks so cute so I have to take pictures. I know, I know I am becoming one of the those moms and for that I apologize but I will probably keep doing it!!! These are a few of the latest!
Posted by
2:29 PM
Taking Roxie for a Walk
I am afraid I have starting something that I will be sorry about. When we go on walks in the stroller I will let Taylyn hold Roxie's lease sometimes. Well she decided she needs to do it the whole walk now. Then I was just taking the two of them to the side of our condo a for a quick walk for both of them (Taylyn was restless after being in church all afternoon). I let her hold the leash while she was walking. She loved it! She always wants to take Roxie outside now and points to the leash so we will put it on Roxie. Roxie on the other hand hates her leash to begin with and know has to suffer through Taylyn holding on the other end. I also decided I must yell at Roxie a lot because when Roxie doesn't do what Taylyn would like her to (which would be all of time) she will yell at her. When go out back Taylyn will stand at the sliding glass door and yell "Oxie"and pats her leg until Rox comes outside and then when the dog goes out on the grass she yells at her until she comes back in the house. It is quite funny to watch but I feel bad for Roxie. I guess I better start watching what I say and do!!!!
Posted by
2:21 PM
Ready to Party!
I had a bridal shower at my house for one of the girls from our branch. Cody headed to the Bass Pro Shop while I just had Taylyn stay with me for the party. I got the house cleaned and them got Tay in her party dress and new hair clip. We also bathed Roxie and put on her Christmas jewelry that Cody's aunt gave us. I know I am bias but they were both too cute not to take a picture of. Taylyn walked around the house pointing at Roxie's jewelry saying "Bling, Bling!" One of our family friends taught her that while she was visiting. I guess it is only fitting since we live in Florida where there is a lot of Bling here.
Posted by
2:14 PM
Juice Boxes
Cody went shopping with me the other day and bought Taylyn some juice boxes. So when he was feeding her dinner that night he decided to give it a try. She loves to drink from straws so within about 1 minute the juice box was gone with out even pulling away from the juice box one time. Cody commented that he sure hopes she never starts to drink or we will have a big problem on our hand!!!
Posted by
2:11 PM
Late Nights!
I think that Taylyn has inherited Cody's nightmares. She sometimes wakes up just screaming and we have to take her completely out of her room to calm her down. Well the other night it happened again and I could tell she didn't feel good as well. So we gave her some tynolal and let her hang out with us for a little while. She decided she had had enough snuggling and wanted to sit on her own. She sure loves to use the black chair (it is actually Roxie's chair that she sits in and is one more thing Taylyn is taking away from her once wonderful life).
Posted by
2:01 PM
My Little Pianist
Taylyn loves to play the piano when I am at work. When she wakes up from her nap and I am done tutoring she loves to play Katie's (girl I babysit) keyboard. She actually starts off very sweet and soft but gets to excited and starts hitting it too hard so we have to distract her to something else so she doesn't break it.
Posted by
1:57 PM
Taylyn and her Katie
Posted by
1:46 PM