My Little Reader!
I introduced her to bubbles. She thinks they are so funny. As soon as we walk on the back patio she runs over to them and points saying "bubba, bubba" until I blow a few. She dances around with them for a few minutes and then moves on to something else. However, if I try to stop blowing the bubbles and put them around she notices instantly and wants more. I don't quite get it, but needless to say I am becoming pretty good at blowing the bubbles!

She loves to sit and look at books and always brings them to Cody when he is home over me. I guess he reads better than I do!!!
My Cowgirl!
She now loves the horse Cody got months ago. She gets so excited to get on it. Yes, that is American Idol on the TV. I have really gotten into it during the last 2 seasons.
She is finally getting better playing with children her own age. She is best with Brynlee and they are quite funny together. Brynlee runs trying to get the dog to chase her. Tay runs after Brynlee thinking she is chasing her. The dog runs around barking not sure what is going on. The girls giggle and scream and have a great time! It has relieved a lot of worry on my part that she is doesn't get along with others. She used to cry if they looked at her or touched her. She is definelty getting better.
My Cowgirl!


Still Main Obsession- Puppies!
She is still obsessed with puppies. She usually spends over half her day saying puppy, trying to pick up Roxie or play tug of war with her, and carrying all three of her play puppies around wherever she goes!

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