Baby Stroller
Katie (girl I work with) has a baby stroller that Taylyn loves, so I finally went and bought her one. She will put her baby in it but her favorite is to make Roxie get in and she pushes her around the house. Roxie has been a good sport about it. Tay has also realized that she can fit in the stroller too. Hopefully it can hold her!!!
Playing with Balls
Grandma bought her a ball while she was here. She didn't quite know what to do with
it but has definitely figured it out. She loves to throw it and has even tried to kick
it a few times but hasn't quite mastered that one.
Getting into Things
She has just started getting into things. Cleaning is impossible because everything I put away she pulls back out again. When I catch her getting into things she is not supposed to that is the face I get. "Who me?"
She has started climbing, which I am not so happy about that. She can climb onto the couch and has started to climb up the chairs. I am in for it!!
ShoesShe loves to wear our shoes. She tries so hard to get them on and then it takes her forever to walk across the room. The hardest is Cody's shoes because they are a lot bigger than mine.
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