Due to my pregnancy Cody's family kept their Christmas trip close by. We went to Las Vegas for three days. Taylyln loves "Las Begas" because the dolphins and tigers live there. She was extremely excited to go.
We had a lot of fun and ate really well. The first night we took Taylyn to my brother's house so she could play with some of her cousins and we went to dinner at the Capital Grill overlooking the strip. The food was amazing and I may never be able to eat a steak anywhere else. It was really nice to go without Taylyn and just sit and talk and not have to entertain her. She had so much fun playing with her cousins.

The next day we went to Circus Circus for breakfast and then went to the Fun Dome. Willie bought Tay a ride on the clown car and even told Shon to ride with her and then we left. The boys went to play golf, Taylyn and I went back to the hotel to nap and everyone else went shopping.

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