It has been a weird winter. It snowed in October and then November was beautiful with nothing. December came with a vengeance. It snowed and snowed and snowed. Cody called and told me to pack a suitcase because he was booking tickets back to Florida and someone could pack our stuff and ship it out later. I was very tempted. I finally got brave enough and drove in one of the snowstorms. I did very well and it is getting easier and easier for me.
This picture was taken after one of the first big storms. Cody is sitting on a chair and his legs are level with the snow!
Taylyn wanted Mickey Mouse to have a picture in the snow with Daddy.
Taylyn's favorite thing about the snow is getting all bundled up so she can watch Cody shovel the snow. Then we go in and she helps make hot chocolate for him. One day he was outside shoveling and she came into the kitchen to inform me we needed to make him some hot chocolate.
Cody has done a great job shoveling but was getting really sick of it. Luckily he has had a small break because it hasn't snowed for a couple of weeks.
Taylyn finally decided she likes to eat snow and crush it with her shoes. That is a great improvement considering she cried the entire first snowstorm.
I just thought this was a cool picture that I took while Cody was once again shoveling snow.

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