Monday, December 29, 2008

Trip to Nana Papa

Tay and I went down to my parents for a couple of days before Christmas. It's funny how no matter how old you are it is always nice to go home.

Taylyn had my Mom wrapped around her little finger and convinced her to take her outside a lot. She even got my Mom and Dad to take the dog for a walk. My Dad even made it 3/4 of the way around the block without help. We went around the block twice and about halfway through the second block I was freezing and ready to get back to the house and she was ready for another round. She was checking out all the Christmas lights and lawn decoration and stepping in all the water she could find. She was so glad to be outside. Taylyn had so much fun she went again the next day with my Mom while I went to the store. My sister came down for 2 days while I was there and my brother's kids came to play as well. The three girls had a blast and Taylyn actually left my side and went and played with them without me around. It was a great improvement from the last couple of times. Notice the shoes in the picture above. Pretty cute!

My nephew is raising a pig for the Clark County Fair in April so we went to see it. Taylyn was loving it and it brought back some great memories of the old days when I was raising them. We had a couple of good laughs when the pig went between Garrett's legs and he went for a ride on the pigs back. It was really funny! Garrett's other Grandparents also had a horse and some cows. Taylyn didn't want to leave because she was having so much watching and imitating the animals. We had a great trip and enjoyed visiting with my parents. My Dad had a couple of really good days and Taylyn had fun talking to him. I was doing her hair and she was not pleased with me. My Dad walked in the room and she cried, "My Papa will save me!" So she went and stood by him until I went and grabbed her to finish her hair. What a great Nana and Papa she had!