We went down to Las Vegas to Lance and Peggy's house and spent Thanksgiving with all of Cody's family. Everyone was there and it turned out really nice and the food was amazing. I actually didn't get any pictures during dinner but all the kids had a blast. After dinner we went and checked in at the Venetian Hotel (Maile always finds the best deals). We walked around the shops for awhile and then finally got to ride the Gondola ride. Taylyn thought it was so cool. It was about 10:30pm our time and we were afraid she would absolutely loose it but she loved it. After the guy sang a couple of songs to us he got down and asked Taylyn if she could sing. She started with It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse come inside its fun inside and finished with Hot, Dog, Hot, Dog, Hot Diggity Dog" The man thought it was pretty funny. When we went under the first bridge he told Cody and I we had to kiss under the bridge. Every time after that when we would go under Taylyn had to give us each a kiss. She only forgot one bridge. It was hilarious. 
This was taken sitting in the boat.

She was exhausted by the time the ride was over. She went right to sleep when we got back to the room. It took Cody and I about 10 minutes to figure out how to get back to our room. We walked an entire floor to find out our room didn't exist on it. Taylyn loves hotel rooms.

The next day Cody went golfing with his cousin, Josh. Linda, Maile and I decided to take Taylyn over to the Mirage to see the Secret Garden. We started with the dolphins and she thought they were really cool. We went to the underground glass area where you can see the dolphins swim. One of the dolphins were being really cute with Taylyn. She would wave and then it would nod its head and it kept swimming by her.

All of a sudden it came directly towards her and opened its mouth like it was going to bite her.

She flipped out and started screaming "Dolphin bite me" and climbing up my shoulder to get away from it. I finally got her calm down a little and had her touch the glass so she understood it couldn't get her but she was ready to be done. We took her into the gift shop to look around and Nana bought her a few things but anything dolphin was off limits and she wouldn't go near it. Then we went over to the tiger and lion area. That finally calmed her completely down and she loved watching them.
Nana bought her a little camera that had pictures of tigers and lions inside of the lens. She was snapping away trying to take pictures and she thinks she really did. It was so funny all the different directions she would turn to take the pictures.

The leopards were running back and forth across and fence and she thought that was so funny. She kept telling us for a week after the trip how the "leopard run back forth" as she moves her arms across her body to show you what that means.

After awhile watching the baby tigers play we went back by the dolphins. She was still really nervous and would tense up if the swam by her but after a lot of talking by Nana and I and seeing that dolphins take medicine too she finally said that Dolphins were funny. Two of them came out of the water and she actually laughed so we decided we better leave before something else scared her. She still talks about it.

This picture is when Linda was trying to convince her that dolphins were not mean animals. You can see the concern on her face!

That night we went to Kona Grill and then headed for Overton. We stayed the night there and enjoyed visiting with my parents. Taylyn had fun bossing Nana around and having her all to herself!

We had a great Thanksgiving and I was reminded how much I should be grateful for. We have been so blessed this year and hope that I can remember to show my gratitude for all that I have been given throughout the year and just not during Thanksgiving Time.
Awesome trip! Glad you had such a great time.
I love the dolphins at the Mirage, and wow staying at the Venitian. You guys looked like you had tons of fun.
It looks like you had a lot of fun there in LV. I heard you can swim with the dolphins there too! Your children must have been excited to see dolphins in the middle of the dessert. Only in America, very nice. Nice Blog.
God Bless,
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