Happy Birthday Taylyn!

When people would take about her birthday she informed them, "no party, just Mickey Mouse presents!" We finally convinced her to have a little party with a Mickey Mouse Cake and some family. Cody's family went crazy with Mickey Mouse and she now owns everything every made with the characters. She loves it all and usually takes at least 3-4 of them to bed with her.
We tried to get her to blow out the candles but she wasn't quite sure what to do so I had to do it. She was too concerned about the fire (she burnt her hand really bad with Linda's fireplace so she doesn't like fire) to get close enough to make it blow out.
She didn't really like the cake. She just ate the frosting off it.
Here she is with her Christmas Mickey and Minnie and her cousins Collin, Aiden and Brandon.

Time just flies doesn't it. Taylyn is such a cutie!!!
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