Thursday, March 26, 2009
Weekend with Nana and Maile
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4:37 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Jaxon Tione Wilson

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3:42 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009
More to Come
I know I have been a slacker so here is just a few pictures of Jaxon until I can get a minute to sit to download pictures and write about the whole experience.
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4:36 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
All By Myself!
Well I have finally started getting a taste of the terrible twos!!! She has started whining and crying over the silliest things. We are working hard to nip it in the butt before it gets too bad and we are seeing a little progress (perfect timing considering I will be exhausted for the next couple of weeks and may not be as consistent as I need to be). We give her until the count of three and then if she hasn't stopped she has to go to her room. She runs in there and shuts and locks the door. She will carry on for sometimes up to 10 minutes and then she will walk and and say, "I all done now!" and just like that she is fine. I think Cody is excited to get a little boy in the house so there isn't so much emotions flying around.
She also has started wanting to do everything by herself (that is what a lot of the tantrums are about), once she figures out she can't do something than she will ask for help. Lately when it is time to say prayers before bed we ask who she wants to help her, "I do it myself." We have let her go ahead and try and it is so funny, They usually go something like this, "heavenly father, thank you for Jesus, thank you for my family, and Roxie, bless my mom, bless my daddy, bless my Taylyn, bless my Jaxon, bless my tiger thanks for spirit, name Jesus Christ Amen" I just can't believe how fast she is growing.
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3:21 PM
Tie Die Twins!
Taylyn finally decided she liked the tie-die shirt that I bought her especially if Daddy wore his too. It was too cute so we had to get a picture. She thought it was so cool that she looked like Daddy!
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3:16 PM
Baby Update!
I have to get up at 2am and call the hospital and find out if they can take me. I am scheduled to go in at 3:00am to get started. I am very excited and hope the delivery is as smooth as Taylyn's was. I am a little worried because on the ultrasound yesterday he was facing the wrong was so I have been poking him in hope he will shift the way he needs to. He has been so active with kicking me anywhere he can that hopefully he has or will have turned by tomorrow morning. I will get some pictures posted as soon as I can, once I get home from the hospital.

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9:38 AM
Banana Flam Dam
Cody and Tony are always talking about this dessert they had in Mexico and how good it was. They found a recipe and thought they would give it a try. I was a little nervous when they started asking me for matches. It didn't turn out quite like they remembered it but they think they know what they can do differently next time.

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9:29 AM
Finally a Hint of Spring!

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9:15 AM
Monday, March 9, 2009
What has been going on here?
There was beautiful sunset the other day so we took a picture of it. The weather has been so nice lately and Taylyn, Roxie and I have enjoyed being able to go outside. That is until I woke up the other morning to at least 6 inches of snow and it has been freezing ever since. Sometimes I really miss Florida but I do love the mountains!A whole lot of nothing has been going on here. We are just counting down the days until we have the baby. Cody still has to sit a lot to put his leg up, I am getting so uncomfortable I don't do much and Taylyn loves the attention she is getting because we are not busy with other things. She even convinced Daddy to paint her finger and toenails for her.
Taylyn decided that Mickey Mouse needed to eat with her and asked Cody to put a bib on him so that he didn't get dirty. She is so much like me with getting dirty and O.C.D that it is a little scary.
A funny new thing Taylyn has started it she loves to sing. She sings songs that we have taught her, ones she learned in nursery and has started making up ones of her own about whatever she is playing with. It is so funny to listen to her. For the last couple of weeks in church she likes to hold the Hymn book and sing with us. She sings words like Jesus, God, nursery over and over while we sing the correct words. Yesterday at church she decided she would sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in her normal singing voice during the closing prayer. We were laughing so hard that I couldn't sing a word of the song.
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2:14 PM
Monday, March 2, 2009
Getting READY for the Baby!
Well I am down to 9 days until my induction date of March 19 and I am definitely ready to be finished. My Doctor said that he would induce me a week before my due date and put me on the books. I am hoping to go before then but we will see. I have been doing weekly checks on my fluid levels and baby heart tests for over a month now and I am definitely getting tired of them. I am starting to swell extremely bad and my joints in my hands and feet and not to pleased with the swelling. They have been so bad lately I can barely hold my toothbrush in the morning. My fingers have even started going nub when I used them a lot. I decided two Sundays ago I might be done going to church because nothing fits and I don't have any nice shoes that fit my feet. Last Sunday I decided it was nice enough outside I would wear sandals so my feet didn't swell. No luck, they were so puffy I had lines on my feet that showed the style of sandals I was wearing. This Sunday I wore flip flops and only made it to Sacrament meeting because I was so swollen. I have Kankles for ankles many times during the day. I was on my feet so much with teaching when I was pregnant with Taylyn that I never really had a problem with swelling. It is amazing how different each pregnancy can be. Here are a few pictures I thought in a few years might be funny for me to look at. However, they are much worse now, the pictures are a few weeks old.
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2:58 PM