This year was so much fun with Taylyn understanding what happens. We went to a couple of things throughout the weekend. It starting with picking and craving the pumpkins. 
"It's a little bit heavy for me mom!"

It took a lot of convincing to put her hands inside the pumpkin and clean it out. She told us it was too uckie to touch!

"This is funny"

The end results...notice the braces!!!!!

The night before Halloween we went to Iron's Springs Halloween Party with Brandon and Collin. They had a bunch of games, food and dancing. The kids thought it was really cool. She was really good at the golf game and played it twice.
She tried Cotton Candy for the first time but was not a fan!

We also went to Lin's Supermarket's Trunk or Treat.

We went to the ward Trunk or Treat.

Cody decorated our trunk and won 2nd place.

Michelle and Melissa looking so excited to be there!

Taylyn had decided she wanted to be Jasman (Jasmine), Daddy was supposed to be Aladdin, I was supposed to be Rajah (Jasmine's Tiger) and Jaxon was Abu (the monkey). Well I started pricing costumes and about had a heart attack. They are expensive so I decided I would try and make them so it would be cheaper. Well thanks to a little help from my mom, Linda, and Cody, I was able to finish them. They turned out really cute for my first time.

Jaxon loved the tail!

Teasi and Taylyn made their own costume during the morning.

Here is all the kids ready to go trick or treating!

Taylyn was hilarious going from door to door. She was on such a sugar high. She tried to eat the candy as it was given to her. She was running full speed and giggling the whole time. I was laughing so hard but of course as soon as a I pulled the camera out she was done. She woke up every morning for the next week asking if when we were going trick or treating again. She is a huge fan! Jax just went along for the ride!

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