I can't believe my sweet Taylyn is already 3. She is growing so fast. It has been a great year with lots of learning and developing on both ends. We love her to pieces and she can always make us laugh, she comes up with the funniest things to say! Happy Birthday my Sweet Taylyn!

Every time we went to any grocery store for about 2 months before her birthday she would ask to go see her Princess Birthday cake. I was going to try and make one but her heart was set on that one and she asked Daddy, "Oh Please O Please can I have MY Princess Cake." That is all it took. She was so excited and told everyone that she was having a princess party.

Princess cake always taste better than regular cake!
She even got a princess sticker that she wore for dinner at the Pizza Factory and them took it off cause it's only for dinner according to her!

Here is Taylyn with her friends- Brandon, Aiden, Andee, Tay, Collin, Allie, Lacy, Jaxon, Ashlynn We invited the Family and the Hillstead's over for cake and ice cream. She was pretty excited to have so many people to play with!

Here's part of the family. Willie, Nana, Maile, Cassie, Shon, Regan, Nana, Papa, Chad, and Melissa all came over to celebrate Taylyn turning 3.

She told Maile that she wanted a princess chair and a princess cake for her birthday. Maile got her a princess chair.

We love you Taylyn and hope you had a special day!
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