Jaxon started out with a little bit of a flat head when he was born. It seemed to be getting worse as he got older. So in October, I felt like we needed to do something about it so he wouldn't have it as he got older. Taylyn said that he looked like Sponge Bob Square pants cause his head was flat. We went and saw a specialist and he said we could wait and see if it would correct itself or if it were his kids he would get it on asap. The problem with waiting is that the older he gets the longer it takes to fix. The said that he would have to wear 23 hours a day for 3 months. We decided to pay for it so we didn't have to wait for the insurance to decide if it was needed and then fight them later. We made the right decision. It only took 8 weeks, he was done before Christmas and it looks great now. He was really good with it and it didn't seem to bother him much. It was nice while he was learning to crawl. Falling didn't phase him too much! He loved to slap it with his hands to make sounds, but the minute it was off he would take both hands and scratch the back of his head. I was really impressed with how laid back he is. He just goes with the flow and things just don't bother him.
All ready to start the mold for the helmet. He was happy not knowing what was about to happen. Taylyn told the doctor not to hurt her Jax Man!

"Wait you are going to do WHAT!!!!"

This look broke my heart a few times during the process!
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