My sweet Jaxon has grown so fast. It is amazing how one day they wake up and they are no longer little babies. He started crawling at around 7 months, if you can call it crawling. He keeps one leg straight and bends the other. I think it is because the upstairs is basically all wood and it doesn't hurt his knees to do it that way. He sure moves fast. He is such a boy, so I am told. I have had to baby proof my house, which I never did with Tay. He loves to throw things down the stairs and just laughs. He is busy but laid back and easy going. He loves his mommy a ton but only would say Dada, and Tay Tay for the longest time. Whenever I asked him to say Mommy, he would smile, laugh and say, "Dada." He is already a tease. He loves to grab Taylyn's blankets and arm when they are in their car seats just to make her cry and then he smiles. It is so funny to watch. 

He loves to play with anything his sister is playing with, especially if it is in her room!

Everything goes in the mouth. It doesn't matter what it tastes like or how big or small it is.

He loves sippy cups almost as much as he loves throwing them. Table what table? This is his favorite place to crawl!
The first time in a driving cart. He was all about the steering wheel!
He has the biggest most curious eyes.
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