Every year my Mom side of the family has a reunion. We usually go camping somewhere but this year my Grandfather was ill so we just had it in St. George. Taylyn had fun playing with the cousins. Here are a few pictures of the trip.
Jennifer, Nathan, me and Taylyn went down the slide. I kept asking Tay but she would say no, but she finally decided to go. She loved it and kept asking," more, more slide pleze," but it was time for it to be taken down. 
After the park we went to the church to have lunch and all the kids made cars out of potatoes and then raced them down a track. They had so much fun.

Standing: Uncle Dennis, Uncle Micheal, Uncle Jerry and Uncle Allen
Sitting:My Mom , Aunt Darlene, Grandma and Grandpa Alldredge, Aunt Nancy and Aunt Evone
Picture Below is all my mom's brothers and sister and all their spouses. 
Taylyn decided it okay to share food with your cousins. It took a little convincing but she finally started to give a few to Sophia.

After we were done with the church we went for ice cream. Tay loved it. I had to do this picture big because I thought it was so cute.
For dinner we all went to my Aunt Darlene's back yard for dutch oven. It was so good all the kids had a blast. Taylyn loved the dirt and I realized how much dirt she collected after I gave her a bath and then drained the water. There was at least a half cup of dirt in the tub.

She thought she would help garden a little. She found the shovel and rocks and she was in heaven. I put this picture big so you can see the determination and pure joy in her face.