My sister, Melissa, had a baby a couple of days before I got here so once I got back we went over to see the baby and take her older two to the park to play. Taylyn wasn't so sure she liked them. She is not used to having so many cousins who want to play with her and love her. She is getting much better as the time goes on. Here are some pictures at the park:
This is Baby Aiden( that is what Taylyn calls him). She wouldn't touch him or even get near him at first. Now me to hold him all the time or she wants to hold him but will not touch him with her arms. It is really funny to watch. She loves to give him his binkie and kiss or rub him on the head. She is learning.
Brandon and Collin at the park

Tay wouldn't sit with them long enough for me to get a picture.

Her hands were dirty and she wanted me to wipe them off. I am reminded daily of what I have done to her!!!

I also watched my sister, Michelle's, 2 kids for a week while they went on a cruise. It was really crazy because my things from Florida arrived the day they dropped off the kids but I think they had fun. Here is a picture of Kaeden, Taesi and Taylyn all ready for church. I think Cody was hoping that having 2 extra kids would make me not want anymore. I proved him wrong! I handled it better than I though and even got all of us ready for church by my self. I also unpacked the whole house before their parents picked them up. 

It is fun to be close enough to see family more than just a few days out of the year! With the extra rooms in the house we have had a lot of company since moving in. A lot of my family has come up for different reasons and Taylyn is starting to be friendlier with them. I am used to the noise and mess so it usually doesn't bother me to have so many people around. Cody is a good sport and is getting used to the craziness.
Here are a few pictures of Taylyn with Jennifer's kids. Things were busy and I forgot to get my camera out so there are not many.

Dominique dressed Taylyn up and Nathan and Danielle joined in the fun!

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