Since Cedar City is so windy I bought Taylyn a Dora the Explorer Kite. She is having a blast with it. Anyone that comes over she has to show her kite and then they have to fly it. The only problem we have encountered is that when it gets really windy and she is finished holding it she just lets go. It ended up on the roof and Cody had to get a ladder to get it down. We now keep a really close watch or hold on to the string with her.
This is when she was flying it with Daddy!

My neice Brittney is in college at SUU and she came up to visit and ended up flying the kite too.
This is the first time I got the kite out. I showed her how it worked and she was ready to go.

Linda bought her a little 4-wheeler to ride around the house. She wasn't so sure about it at first and wanted us to push the button to make it move but now she has gotten the hang of it and is all around the house. She is even learning to turn the handles to make her go in a different direction. Her favorite thing to chase...of course Roxie. The poor dog!!!

Those are cute pictures!
A new site with pictures of Cedar is CedarPix.
CedarPix - Photos & Pictures of Cedar City, Utah
That pic is so funny of Tay protecting her hands and feet from the dirt. Sad we didn't get to see you this trip. Thanks for beign willing to let us stay though. If I ever decide to drive by myself agian we'll definately have to make more stops. Cute fam. How are you feeling?
Hey mrs.wilson its KATIE ROSS, im glad every thing is going well in utah.
I love middle school its a lot of fun and work (hehe) Every thing is going well here , mostly just the same . I didnt have time to right to you the past months. Im just so bussy these day . well when you get the change write me back .
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