Well getting packed, saying goodbyes, repainting the condo, graduation dinners and ceremonies and much much more was a lot to do in a week. The last week before we left seems a blur, I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to everyone I had wanted to. I made many great friends while living in Florida and I miss them so much.
Taylyn and I have really missed Katie and Chris. I find myself bored around 2:00 because I was so used to being on my way out to pick up Chris and Katie. 

The Schwartz Family came to say goodbye in all the mess of painting and cleaning. I used to have Garett in class and I tutored Rayah. 

We, or should I say, Cody and Tony, ended up repainting the condo in two nights, Linda and I cleaned and tried to keep Taylyn away from the paint among other things. It was a lot of work but I think Tony and Cody had a lot of fun together while doing it.
Taylyn loved the boxes but started getting really concerned when all of her stuff started to disappear. She started grabbing everything she could and would pile it around her.

Maile also flew down from Washington for a couple of days to help watch Taylyn so Cody and I could pack. It was a ton of help, even though Taylyn decided to start teething and had a very high temperature, extremely whiny and only wanted me the few minutes she would play with Maile was a lifesaver!
After the moving company took all of our stuff we went and stayed at a hotel. Taylyn thought she was in heaven and it was much better than staying in a home with nothing!

After the moving company took all of our stuff we went and stayed at a hotel. Taylyn thought she was in heaven and it was much better than staying in a home with nothing!

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