What's not to LOVE? 
We went to Lake Powell on July4th weekend and Labor Day Weekend. The first trip Taylyn would not get in the water, but boy does she love her life jacket(she wanted to wear it all the time). She would play on the beach in water about up to her knees but once you tried to stick her in more she would cry. We played on the beach a lot and I bet she threw 100 rocks into the water. She kept asking for "more, more roxs pease." Her favorite was to ride in the boat especially when they let her drive. A couple of our friends from our ward in Florida came and one of our best friends from Dental school and his girlfriend came as well. It was great to see them again and they helped a ton. Rich, Linda, Lance and Peggy drove off to go to the dock and just as they went around the corner a huge wind kick up. Our radio didn't work because of where we were so we were on our own. All the guys started digging new anchor holes and Cody turned on the houseboat engine and started using it to keep us from blowing into the beach. At one point one of the ropes got stuck in one of the engines which left us with only one engine that we could use. It was a good 30 minutes or more before things calmed down some and finally the parents got back, but by then we pretty much had it under control. It was quite an experience.
Taylyn got to drive the Houseboat with Grandpa!
Cody was a good sport and helped the kids go fishing. They each caught a fish (we think it might have been the same one each time) and the kids had a blast.
Taylyn was very curious about what was down there in the water.
Taylyn, Mckall, Kaire, and Bryn playing in the pirate hut!
You can tell by the look on her face in both pictures it doesn't matter who she swims with... She does not like it at all. After a few minutes we got her to stop crying and then took her out both times. She was not amused at all.
Just too tired to sit up for the boat ride. She almost fell asleep and enjoyed just relaxing after a long but fun trip!
She was so hot after we cleaned the boat she needed some ice. She ate most of what I had in my drink! She does love ice!

Nana let her ride on the raft when she was done swimming!
Me, Maile, Tay and Nana taking a little raft ride!

I know it's not a great picture but that is Cody on the Wakeboard!

Bryn, Taylyn and me taking a ride on the boat. She kept telling everyone who was wakeboarding to "Hang Loose!" and then she would clap for them until they fell and then she would ask me, " where go mom. I doknow (I don't know in Tay language).

There is nothing better than a big bucket!

She loves that lifejacket. I had a hard time getting it off her!
Playing on the beach throwing rocks. We did that a lot on this trip!

She was so interested in all of the rocks!

She even suckered Daddy into playing with the rocks!

On Labor Day the weather was supposed to be pretty crappy so they decided not to take the houseboat out of the marina. Boy were we glad. There were a couple of night it was raining and blowing so hard it was hard to sleep, we were grateful we were not out in the rain digging new anchor holes. Taylyn did a lot better in the water. She actually got in and somewhat enjoyed herself. She still loved those boat rides and enjoyed walking down to the store and seeing the fishies and quack quack (as she calls them). We love just being out there, it is always so fun!
Tay got to drive the boat with Willie again!

She figured out that swimming in the water was actually kindof fun!

Tay thinks she is such a queen. Tony, Cody and myself were pushing her around.

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