When we finally arrived back to the west, of course our things didn't make it here when they said it would so we were living with Rich and Linda for a couple of weeks. We had a lot of fun and Taylyn got very spoiled!!! Linda even watched Taylyn a couple of nights so that Cody and I could go out on a very long awaited date.
Taylyn for the first time found it hard adjusting to the time change. We didn't make it through much of church as you can see in this picture taken before we left for church. We all took a very long nap!
Taylyn thinks she is a queen and can do whatever she wants, and at Grandma's she is probably right. She really loves to steal the remotes from us. She thinks she is so funny!

Her new favorite thing is to get inside closets and close the door. She loves to be inside even without a light. When you call her name she won't answer, but when she is ready to get out I can hear her yell, " Mommy out." The best is when she can shut Roxie inside with her. She just laugh and talks until she gets bored a few minutes later. I love to stand by the door and listen to her play. 
Taylyn was introduced to Brad Food Hut. The Wilson's go there frequently to get drinks during the day. Their drinks are really good and Taylyn loves the ice. She is addicted to ice in a cup know. However, recently I let her try Sprite and she also tried a drink called a Fuzzy, so now when we go to Brad's she asks us for whichever one she feels like. I only let her have a half of a baby's cup once day but she still tries to get a little more out of us. What have I created!!!!!
She even started getting lazy and letting Grandpa Willie feed her. She has too many people wrapped around her little finger at such a young age!

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