Jaxon has had a rough time in this new world. Many things have happened to the poor little guy. He was such a good baby for the first couple of weeks and is definitely a momma's boy. The minute he hears me his heard turns and he starts to cry. Most of the time I love it because Taylyn has always been 100% a Daddy's girl, so it is nice to have one of my own.

After a couple of weeks he started crying a lot and spitting up so bad I was changing his clothes, blankets and a couple burp clothes a couple times a day. He was also grunting and pulling his legs up all day like he was in pain. Then he got so stuffy he was having a hard time even breathing. So I took him in to the doctor. Diagnosis- Acid Reflux (just like Taylyn), colic and possibly RSV. He sent me home with medicine for the first two and then said that whatever he had was viral and we just had to wait it out. On a positive note he had already gained almost 3 pounds. A week later and he continued getting worse so we took him back to the doctor. They tested him and he did have RSV so this time I came home with a breathing machine and they sucked out his nose. I feel so bad for him because he seems so miserable. Once again he has gained more than a pound this week. He's now 11 pounds 8 ounces. I sure know how to fatten my babies up! He also got the baby acne all over his head. Poor guy!
On a funny note he came out with the biggest hands, arms and feet I have ever seen on a baby. Hopefully he got Cody's height and not mine so he can grow into them. They are not the best pictures but you can get a visual of how big they really are.

He seems so small in that big car seat, which he is not a fan of at all, unless the car is moving. He will start to cry the minute we turn off the car. What a stinker!

My Little Angel!

He was not at all amused with his first bath.

Once he was out he decided it wasn't too bad. It probably didn't help that Tay had to help and splashed him in the face!!!

He has inherited my ability to sleep for long periods of time! That a boy!!!

We are so happy to have Jaxon in our family. He is such a sweet baby and I have loved being able to hold a new baby of my own again. We love him to pieces!
Looks like you guys are doing well! It's so fun to see your kids! They say that reflux isn't genetic, but I'm not so sure... Love the snow lion!!
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