Cody had to go to Las Vegas to take the Nevada Boards so he can practice in Vegas if he wants to, so I decided to go with him and stay at my mom's for a couple of days. Monday Cody went to take his test and hooray passed!! While he was taking the test we were having fun at Nana Papa's house. Taylyn loves going down there and bossing my parents and Bruno around. Cody came home that night but had to go back to Cedar the next day to work. We stayed and played and had a blast. The first thing Taylyn did when we got there was go to see Bruno and ask or should I say tell my mom they needed to take Bruno for a walk, which they did! She spent a lot of time with him because they weather was beautiful and we had been stuck in our house because it was cold in Cedar. She wanted to be outside all day!
Jaxon loved all the attention and be held all the time. My sister came the day before we left so he had someone to hold him the entire day. He was quite content with that!
Taylyn loved Papa and needed to know where he was the whole time we were there. She woke up asking me where he was every morning. After her nap she needed to sit with her Papa. Papa fell asleep but Taylyn snuggled with him for quite a while anyway!
Nana was brave and let her help with making bread and cookies. She made quite a mess but made sure my mom washed off her hands if they got dirty with the flour. Tay helped with pouring in the flour but kept getting too close and her measuring cup went in with the the dough. They had to fish it out a couple of times.

Bryn and Taylyn

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