Another funny thing she does is talk to Jaxon. I know exactly what I sound like. She is always telling him, "it's okay buddy, you will be alright." whenever he cries. "Hey Jax Man what you doing," when she sees him. I decided I better watch my mouth, since she is picking up on everything that comes out of my mouth.
She has also figured out how Jaxon eats. The first couple of times she saw me feeding him she was very curious. Then she started trying to breastfeed Mickey and her baby. She stood trying to figure out how to hold Mickey while she fed him, she thought and tried and eventually decided her belly button would do. After a couple of times trying she finally got the hang of it. She even burps them when she is done, and tells me when they need to go to the bathroom or change their diapers, and when it is time for them to go to the bed. She will be a great mom someday!!!

A couple weeks after bringing Jax home we decided it was time to potty-train Taylyn. I had tried doing it before I had the baby but Tay was not ready and I didn't have the energy to fight her. She spent two days without going in the toilet and then finally she did it. We made a huge deal and things just clicked. We have only had one maybe two accidents a day for the first couple of days and then she went three days without even one. She has been keeping her pull-ups dry most nights and during her naps. The first time she went poo in the toilet was quite hilarious. She told me she needed to go pee pee and sat down on her potty. After a while she jumped up and yelled, "I made a green snake!!" She was so excited and ran in to tell Cody. He of course made a big deal. The next day she went a little in her underwear so I set her down to try and finish on the toilet. I went to change Jaxon and came running back when I heard her screaming. She had tried to clean herself up and had it all over her hands, legs and clothes. She was absolutely freaked out (I sure did a number on her by giving her my OCD), so we had to go straight to the bath. I was so bummed because it made her scared to poo in the the toilet. I had a couple of days cleaning it out of her diapers but finally she made a green alligator as she called it and now she is back to using the toilet. Thank goodness! She has even started using the real toilet which is wonderful for me so I don't have to clean up the little one anymore.
Here is her throne that she spent a lot of time on the first couple of days!

Taylyn has definitely had her terrible two moments but we love her to pieces and she brings so much joy and plenty of laughter to our lives.
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