Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Big News!

Taylyn is going to be a big sister to a baby brother. I am almost 5 months and we just had an ultrasound yesterday and he is all boy. He was all curled up with his feet touching his head and he even sucked his fingers for a minute. We got a few facial pictures as well. He was not pleased with all the pushing and picture taking and kicked the camera (I not sure what they call it) quite a few times and surprised the girl doing to ultrasound. She said she usually doesn't feel the kick that early. The technician was trying to get some 3D pictures and he decided to turn his face away but he was very willing to show off his parts. We are extremely excited and are trying to prepare Taylyn. She loves to hold and take care of Melissa's baby whom she calls Baby Aiden. We keep asking her what is in my belly and she tells us it is Baby Aiden. We will have to keep working on it.

I am finally feeling better. I was so sick the first 3 1/2 months. I felt nauseous every minute of every day and threw up quite a few times. I wasn't sure how to handle it because Taylyn was the easiest pregnancy from start to finish. I was never sick with her so I felt sorry for Cody because I think I was kind of whinny this time. He was a great sport and was always asking what he could do to help.


kylee said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm SOOO excited for you! Boys are fun! Although, they are quite as fun to dress up as girls are but they are still fun! I'm so sad that we don't live next to eachother anymore. It would be perfect! Brynlee and Taylyn could play together and the boys could play. *sigh* so sad. Anyway, I'm super excited for you guys! Make sure you keep us posted on everything! (the name, how Cody is handling the growing belly:), ect) Oh and I'm glad your feeling better!
P.S. Have you guys found anyone to rent your place yet?

Jolley Family said...

Glad you are feeling better and congratulations. We are really excited for you guys.

Audrey said...

Congrats, I hope you don't mind that I was blog hopping and found you. It looks like you are doing well. Hope all goes well with your pregnancy.

ConnecticutUre's said...

Congratulations!!! I didn't know you were even pregnant!!! Yeah a boy, Destry wouldn't know what to do with one of those, enjoy him and I hope that the pregnancy keeps getting easier.

Love ya!!!

Heidi said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting!!!!! Its about time Someone has a boy!!!!!!!

Mike and Timette said...

Yeah for little Boys!! He kicks so hard because he will be the best soccer player or football kicker ever. Thanks for playing with us the other night you guys are great, and so fun to be around. Our blog is MikeandTimette.blogspot.com

I love blogs!!:)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! How exciting! I agree with Heidi I'm sure Ash will be happy. She wants someone to have a boy with her.

Mandy said...

Congratulations! I am excited for you and your family!!!