We finally found a time to go to the zoo with Cody. We all had a lot of fun but didn't stay too long because it was really hot.
Daddy was a good sport and let Taylyn walk when we were not riding on the bike. She loved the bird area and was sad to leave until I told her she could have a treat when she got back in the bike (it was her first time in the bird area-we have always been to late the other times we went). 

She rode a Merry-Go-Round for the first time. She liked it at first but after awhile she was ready for it to stop but it just kept going and going. She loved to be surrounded by the animals and kept making all the sounds of the ones she could see.

Taylyn's favorite part of the Zoo- the elephants. We sat on the bench watching them while Taylyn had a snack. The elephant was very hot so it was sticking its trunk in a pipe that had water coming out and would fill up its trunk. Once it was finished it would flip up its trunk and spray its face. Taylyn would laugh so hard every time the elephant did it. It was hilarious!

What a ride! We look as hot and sweaty as we felt, but it was fun to have Cody with us this time.

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