My Mom's side of the family had their reunion in Fillmore this year. Melissa and I took the kids up there for the day. We had a lot of fun swimming, playing at my uncle's house, the famous auction and of course had a great dutch oven dinner. This was the first year without my Grandpa so we all shed a few tears in remembrance of him and we definitely missed his dutch oven potatoes and his teasing us when we asked for potatoes without onions. Thanks Uncle Dennis and Family for a great reunion!
The cabin we are sitting by was actually the one from the Arizona strip where my Grandpa grew up and my Uncle brought it to his house piece by piece and reassembled it. 

Jaxon was so glad to finally get his shorts off and just lay in the shade. It was really hot! He was really excited to see Papa. He loves my Dad and will always let him hold him.
We had the pool rented for the family for a couple hours. It was a good thing, we filled it up really fast. Taylyn loved the kiddie pool and thought she was such a big girl to be able to touch the bottom. 

Jaxon and Aiden just hanging out and absolutely loving the water.
Can you believe it... Tay actually got dirty for a few minutes two different times before she asked to get cleaned up. She is really figuring out that getting dirty is fun. Above is a picture after dinner and below are proof that she played in the dirt.
She has come along way!

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