The scooter was a big hit!
Staying cool by the cooler in the garage!
Poor Bruno. Taylyn was out first thing in the morning and last thing at night. He didn't get much of a break from her but he did get to come inside the house because of it. He is a such a good sport with all of the grandkids. I thought this picture was so cute. A little girl and her puppy in trouble!
Taylyn and Addison suckered me into buying them a play dough kit to play with. After I got home and realized how cool it was I felt a little better about the purchase.
Jaxon loves his Papa. Every time my Mom would try and hold him he would cry until she handed him back to me. My Dad would pick him up and he was very content.
This was on the way to my parents. Jaxon was screaming and Taylyn's solution is to plug her ears. When we get in the car she asks me if Jaxon is going to cry, she says, "its okay if he cries a little bit, I will just plug my ears!" What a little snot! I guess it beats her screaming too, which is what I usually hear when he cries.
Nana gave Jax a cup he was excited as can be. Why do we spend money on toys????
Wow Juliann, your kids are getting so big! I can't believe it! Has it really been that long since we last saw you guys? Times flies. Anyway, I'm glad to see everything is going well....well atleast back in October it was :) Anyway, I tried to call you a couple of weeks ago. Did you get my message? I'll try to give you a call again soon. We are in the middle of packing and moving....again...still in Evanston, just a different place. Anyway, we have a lot to catch up on and talk about.....
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