Every July Panguitch has a Balloon Festival so I decided to take the kids over because Cody had to work all weekend. We got up at 6am so we could see the balloons take off. The kids thought it was cool for a minute and then they just wanted something to eat. Taylyn's favorite was the Smokey the Bear, but had a really hard time seeing it because the sun was right in our eyes.
There was not much wind so some of them had a hard time staying up in the sky. This rainbow one landed right by us.
There is the Smokey the Bear Balloon. That is all Tay wanted to talk about.

After the kids were ready to go, we went back to Michelle's for breakfast. Then headed back downtown for the motorcycle parade. I love Panguitch...you can basically walk everywhere!
Jared and Kaeden were in the parade.
Jennifer and her family came down as well so of course we made everyone pose for lots of pictures.

And more pictures!

The whole gang!!!

Jaxon loved getting held by all of the girls. 

Jaxon and Jennifer

To much sun for the Jax Man! He was not at all amused.

After the parade and carnival we went back to Michelle's and of course the clothes came off and the dress-ups went on. 

The kids said they were going outside to play. After a few minutes we went to check on them and this is what we found. 

Teasi buried in the sand!

Tay shirtless jumping and sliding (having a blast)!
We went back downtown for dinner and to watch the balloons light up.
Teasi and Taylyn are the best of friends!

Once again Jaxon is being spoiled by Tiffney.
Tay was pretty tired by the time it got dark so she decided it was time to be pushed!
Tiffney put Jaxon asleep. Here arm finally got tired enough she laid him down. He was so tired he didn't even wake up.
This part of the evening was my favorite. It was interesting to watch how they get the balloon filled up. We were watching this one in the background and Taylyn asked me if she could climb inside of the balloon and play. Even with the fire going she was convinced she could still get inside. Thanks Michelle for having all of us there!

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