Thursday, October 15, 2009

Britt's Wedding

My niece Brittney got married on June 11 in the Salt Lake City Temple. It was a nice sealing and she look absolutely beautiful. I can't believe that she is old enough to get married!
Teasi and Tay waiting for Brittney to get out of the temple.
Brittney and me at the reception!
Taylyn with her Brittie! She loves her to pieces.
Brittney and Danny !My Mom and Dad
Taylyn told Cody she didn't want to hold her glass but he could hold it for her. What a stinker!!!
Tay with her cousins Collin and Dominque Papa with the little girls!


Mandy said...

I can't believe Brittany is married. I feel old. I remember us going and staying in SLC with your sister and Brittany dancing for us. Brittany looks beautiful in all the pictures.

Unknown said...

Wow we are old. My niece Rachelle is pregnant can you believe it. When are you going to come back to Overton? Give me a call when you do.