Taylyn with her Fish! 

(Notice the dirty clothes... yes she is actually dirty and loving it!)
Throughout the summer we had a few fishing trips up to Kids Pond and New Castle. Tay has caught quite a few fish with her little Dora Pole. She even got brave enough to touch one. Tay loves to practice with her pole in the house, in the front yard and anywhere else she can. She is getting pretty good at it. Cody lets her pick out whatever she wants from the fridge to try and catch the fish. She always chooses squeaky cheese from Beaver and it always works!
Jaxon's idea of Fishing!!! I was glad I was in charge of him!

Yah! We caught one!
Taylyn and Cody waiting for the fish to bite. 

She wanted to try on her own. That meant she was poking the rocks with her pole. She eventually got tired and let Cody have a turn holding it.

So proud of the first fish of the evening! She wouldn't touch it!

Finally a little braver with fish #3...she finally touched it!

We went for a drive to New Castle but we had forgotten her fishing pole at Lake Powell so we couldn't go fishing. All she wanted to do was throw rocks so it was probably a good thing we didn't end up trying to catch anything. Cody found her a crayfish, but she decided she didn't really want to touch it. 

SO cute!! It was so much fun having you guys up at the cabin, we will have to do that agian. Miss you guys.
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